Plums always remind us about Christmas, you know! As kids we remember, this time of the year we would head to our grandparent's place and there we would be treated to some lovely holiday desserts.
That's where we derive the sense of nostalgia from! Delectable and flavorful plum cakes. Today since we are going to discuss Best Plum Desserts, let us begin with plum cakes first. Let's find out the process of baking that first. This way you will be able to understand the process of handling other plum desserts as well.

Know more about making plum Desserts at home- A hearty plum cake
Well, plum cakes are a signature dessert when it comes to the festive season plus the holidays. However, you do not need a particular season to celebrate and indulge in desserts, rather you can make such delicious treats whenever you want. And guess what this recipe of homemade cake that we have here does not require any alcohol or eggs even! Yes, we are talking about a whole wheat vegan plum cake recipe that we devised while experimenting with plum desserts. We will share the secrets with you so we can make this one at home.
We all love to binge on fruit cakes, don't we? But sometimes coming across eggless fruit cakes in the bakeries can be a real challenge. So here it is! One that you can make in the house. Our special touch to the plum cake includes drizzling some caramel on top and this hearty treat will be ready in no time.
And just because it is a plum cake does not mean you are only going to use plums and no other ingredients. There should be a whole lot of fruits and nuts in the dough which will make this one taste more delectable and enriching. The presence of candied orange peels instantly enhances the taste of the cake further. Since it does not contain any alcohol, you need a moistening substance in your dough which in this case is mostly orange juice or apple pulp whichever you prefer.
Learn the simple steps to make the best plum desserts at home- A hearty plum cake recipe
Well, now let us learn to make plum cake at home. Do not worry because we have got you covered. Making plum cake is not that big a deal if you are aware of the right things to do. Begin with soaking the nuts and the dried fruits. Of course, overnight is the best but if you lack time then a few hours shall even do the job. Take all the nuts and whatever dried fruits you are planning to add to a bowl. This could include some cashews, raisins, dates, almonds, and black currants. Some pistachios, cherries, etc, should not be missed out on.
In fact, this whole thing depends on your choice. Once you have soaked all the dried fruits and they are tender, now it is time for the blending. Finely chop the nuts and the bigger pieces in a bowl. You cannot have large and chunky pieces of nuts and dried fruits floating in the crust so do not skip the step of shredding them first. Soak the dried fruits in the fruit juice or the pulp that you have extracted from the pulp.
How to prepare the caramel solution
Some sugar and water are taken in a saucepan. You can either use brown sugar or white sugar for this purpose. Add some jaggery to the solution, mix well, and then set the pot on low heat. Slowly bring the solution to a boil over low heat. Make sure you are not hurrying through the process as this can end up with a burnt base and a sticky solution of caramel.
How to make the batter for the plum cake- finish it off by baking
Preheat the oven to 180°C first. Line the baking sheet with parchment paper and brush some oil on the surface of it. Do this about fifteen minutes before the process of baking. To make the batter, you will need some wheat flour, baking powder, baking soda, cinnamon powder, clove, nutmeg powder, and cardamom powder for seasoning. Mix the dry ingredients, and add the nut mixture along with the caramel solution. Fold everything well but do not over-mix anything.
Now that you have formed a smooth and sweet batter, it is time to bake. Once baking is done, you will see that cracks have formed on the surface! This is an indication that your cake is ready. Here are other plum dessert recipes that are as easy as the one we just tried out. Best Plum Desserts can only be made if you go through the recipes well. So begin quickly.
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